لینک جدید اشتراک


۱۳۸۸ دی ۵, شنبه

ترجمه اخبار لحظه به لحظه اعتراضات امروز شنبه 5 دی 1388 در ایران به انگلیسی

توضیح اشتراک: با همکاری وبلاگ پرشین تو انگلیش سعی می کنیم تمامی اخبار مهم این دو روز (پنجم و ششم دی ماه) را به صورت انگلیسی نیز پوشش بدهیم. از همکاران و جوانانی که ما را در این راه یاری می کنند صمیمانه سپاسگذاریم.

A Student Dorm under Siege by Repressive Forces
Iran News Agency, Tehran, 6:15 pm: A student dorm in Velenjak is surrounded by the regime’s repressive forces. The students of this university were planning to have a ceremony for Tasooa.

Iran Khabar Agency, Tehran, 6:15 pm: In fear of the protests increasing, the dictatorial regime of Iran announced through the police forces that mourners are allowed to stay in the streets only until 10:30 pm, after which no one will be allowed to stay in the streets.
Oppressive Forces Brutally Beat Mourning Mothers

Human Rights Activits for Democracy: On Saturday December 26, mourning mothers carried out their weekly gatherings with protests in Laleh Park. Security forces prevented them from gathering inside the park and the mourning mothers continued their rally in Fatemi Street while raising their fingers in signs of Victory. They were then severely attacked by by plainclothes agents and Revolutionary Guards. During these attacks, one mother got injured in her face and others were beaten up. Nevertheless the mourning mothers continued their protest and reached Enqhelab Square and finished their gathering as usual around 6:00 pm.

You saw a halo of light, but you couldn’t see all the rapes?” Among popular slogans on December 26

During protests on Saturday, the mourning day of Tasooa, all the slogans were against the government. Some of them are as followed:
- Death to Dictator
- Dictator should know that he will be overthrown soon
- This is the month of blood, Yazid will be overthrown (1)
- Obscurantism and crimes are two basis for Supreme Leadership
- We are not from Kofa to stop after receiving money (2)
- The Supreme Leader should know that Basij will not be effective
- Raping people in prison, did you find this in Koran, too?
- You saw a “halo of light,” but you didn’t see all the rapes (3)

Translator’s notes:

1) Yazid was the Khalifa that fought Imam Hossein during Moharram and defeated him
2) This goes back to the stories of the events of Hossein’s death in Karbala. People from the city of Kofa supposedly betrayed Imam Hossein and left him alone.
3) Mocking Ahmadinejad for his claims of a “halo of light” around him when he first gave a speech in UN general assembly
Jaras Exclusive / Protesting Drivers Oppressed at Azadi-Imam Hossein line

Green Way Movement network (Jaras)- Limited traffic movement in Azadi to Imam Hossein squares has led to a slow down in this line, followed by protests of drivers who honked their horns in protest. Counter-insurgency and plainclothes forces are stationed in large numbers all over intersections in this route and they harshly deal with any driver who honks the horns.

Based on eyewitness accounts of Jaras correspondent, officials attacked cars with batons, taking their plates off or even pulling some drivers out and beating them up.

Based on eyewitness accounts, plainclothes forces sometimes reached the cars without drivers noticing, and suddenly took off their plates. This is while police forces are in total cooperation with plainclothes forces and put all the plates in police cars.

Complimentary Reports on Vast Protests in Tehran before Noon

Based on reports received by Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran, on Saturday December 26, 2009 (the mourning day of Tasooa), there was movement expected from Imam Hossein Square toward Azadi.

An 10:10am we moved toward Enqelab and at each crossroad there was a maximum of three policemen. When we reached Enqelab, about 200 police and counter-insurgency forces on motorcycles and for were there. All around Enqelab square, police cars and vans were seen. From Enqelab Square to Tehran University, every four meters there was a revolutionary guard with batons. The amount of protesters increased. Everyone moved toward Imam Hossein square from the pedestrian areas. Around Vali Asr crossroads, the sidewalks were filled. There were eight personnel carriers, arrest vans, and a minibus filled with forces.

We reached Hafez Avenue together with the people. Right under Hafez Bridge, there were three baton-wielding soldiers and two plainclothes forces approximately 57 and 60 years old. They were trying to change people’s direction and did not let them go toward Ferdowsi and Imam Hossein. We protested “This is our route” and the plainclothes agent started shouting and saying, “Don’t stand here.”

He started shouting immoral words and kicked my friends three times in the back. We protested, then he came after us. I looked at him angrily and he said: “What? Do you want me to tear out your eyes?” I attacked him with a kick a few times with all my force. It seemed that he had a mission just to attack women.

He confronted a young guy with a green band on his head. A young girl who was with the guy said: “What is wrong? He is a Seyed (descendant of prophet) and has a green band on his head.” The young girl was attacked. She fell to the ground, her scarf coming off. Older ladies saved the girl from beatings, and it was right at 11:30am when a dozen of motorcyclists rapidly moved toward Ferdowsi.

People were saying: “Ferdowsi is crowded, let’s go there!” We continued toward Ferdowsi and saw dozens of cars which were all followed with counter-insurgency forces. People booed them and those inside the buses started chanting slogans too.

In Ferdowsi, we saw familiar plainclothes faces that always stopped us during protest days. From Ferdowsi we started gathering and moved toward Valiasr. We reached around 600-700 and shouted “Allah is Great,” “Death to Dictator,” “Moharram is the month of blood, Khamenei will be overthrown.” We kept moving toward Qods avenue while showing victory signs with our hands. We were all shouting slogans. We kept on going and people supported us by honking their horns. We had just reached Qods where guard forces were attacking people with batons and chains. While beating with batons, they were saying: “We should keep beating you so you learn to behave.” Our guys started running while shouting, “Death to Dictator.” We formed a gathering again, shouting slogans.

Around 12:45pm we moved toward Enqelab Square. They closed down the roads and we were forced to move down Gendarmerie Street. In the same street, there is a police prevention centre full of personnel carries and guard forces. We reached Enqelab and everywhere was filled with guard forces on their motorcycles.

It was around 1:05 pm, in a Special Line bus station that two plainclothes men attacked a young buy. People booed them and shouted “leave him alone” and then a few of them went to help the guy and beat up the plainclothes agents.

Anybody with a mobile phone, even if they are just talking, was attacked. People, especially youth, were still in the streets and used every opportunity to shout slogans. Unlike every year where mourning groups follow one another, this year the government did not let any group to move, out of fear.

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
December 26, 2009

Protesters in Tehran Shout: Let’s meet on Ashoura!

Iran Khabar Agency – December 26, 2009

Protesters in Tehran declared their main day for demonstrations against the oppressive regime will be tomorrow on the day of Ashoura.

They were saying it is time for us to root up the oppression and tyranny.

They were all shouting: “Let’s meet on Ashoora!”
Breaking news: Arrest of all Passengers of a BRT bus by Special Forces

Iran Khabar Agency – December 26, 2009

Iran Khabar Agency correspondent, Tehran, Day of Tasoa:

Around Enqelab square, special forces stopped a BRT bus with around 30 men and women who were shouting anti-government slogans and sent them all to an unidentified place.
Breaking News: Attacks on Women and Children in Sepahbod Qarni Avenue

Iran Khabar Agency – December 26, 2009

Iran Khabar Agency correspondent – Tehran

1:15 pm

Around Sepahbod Qarni Avenue, special forces and some Basijis who had covered their faces attacked protesters.
A lot of people were women and kids that were badly beaten up by authorities. Some of the women were severely injured. Basijis attacked with batons men who came to help the women and children.
Young Man who Filmed Protests Arrested

Iran Khabar Agency – December 26, 2009

Iran Khabar Agency correspondent, Tehran, 2:30 pm:

A 22-year old young man was arrested in Enqelab Square while filming the protests. He was beat up and brought to a car. They do not allow filming and brutally attack anyone who attempts to do it.

Mourners Brutally Beaten in Ferdowsi Square

Iran Khabar Agency – December 26, 2009

Iran Khabar Agency correspondent: Tehran, 1:00 pm:

Right now thousands are gathering in Ferdowsi Avenue to shout anti-government slogans. Basijis are fiercely injuring people with chains and batons. Ferdowsi Square and Ferdowsi Avenue is full of people.

From 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm, all over Enqelab to Azadi, government goons fiercely beat people. On every intersection, there were a few vans full of guards who attacked people. When people shouted, “Imam Hassan’s son, come and root up the oppression,” the goons attacked got more severly and they started hitting people.

People currently are moving toward Azadi Square shouting “O, Abolfazl! Come and help Iran!” Guards are on both sides of the streets and are waiting to attack, but people are trying to reach Azadi Square.


Special Forces use Violence on People

Radio France, December 26, 2009 – Concurrently with the mourning days of Tasoa in Tehran, people have clashed with military forces all over the city. The website for Green Way Movement (Jaras) reports these clashes which are more fierce in Central Tehran, and especially Pol Choobi, still continue.

The website reports the clash of military forces with participants in mourning groups to be violent, but also adds that “people haven’t left the scene.”

Based on reports, military forces from Special Counter-Insurgency Forces broke the glasses of parked cars or cars that honk their horn to protest against the violence.

In Tehran’s Imam Hossein square, police in addition to attacking people also used tear gas to disperse them. It is said that other clashes occured around Ferdowsi Square and Vali Asr crossroads in Tehran.

Counter-insurgency forces are stationed in Central and Busy parts of Tehran

Commanders of Military and Revolutionary Guards warned from days ago that any demonstration or gathering of Green Movement supporters on Moharram and mourning days of Tasooa and Ashoora will be dealt with.
Jaras website reports that on Saturday, mourning anti-government groups are supposed to shout slogans against the government. Also, tomorrow the mourning day of Ashoora has been chosen as a day of large protests and demonstrations by the green movement.

AFP reports that foreign correspondents are not allowed to cover the events.

Iran Khabar Agency


Anti-riot forces Arrested at least 10

Herana News – Rights of Citizens, Thought, and Speech: The people protesting the election results who chose Tasooa as a day for their protests are moving toward Revolution Square from various parts of Tehran.

According to the Thought and Speech Unit of the Organization of Human Rights Activists in Iran, the extensive presence of the anti-riot forces from Imam Hossein Square to Azadi Square have caused the cars to move very slowly. The protesters who were planning to march quietly towards Revolution Square were beaten by special forces around Shemiran and Pole Choobi.

The reports are indicative of intense beatings of the people. The cars trying to pass through the locations of the gatherings were damaged. The police used tear gas to disperse people, and at least 10 people were arrested.

The Ansar groups and plainclothes agents with black shirts were seen in various parts, including the vicinity of Tehran University. Currently there are no reports of violence from these groups.

The clashes and people’s presence continue in other areas including Imam Hossein Square, Pole Choobi, Ferdowsi Square, Hafiz bridge, Navab intersection, Felestin Intersection, Vali Asr Intersection, Revolution Square, Karkgar street, Keshavarz Boulevard, and Taleghani streets. The protesters are chanting slogans specific to these days.
The slogans that have been heard include:

Ya Hossein Mir Hossein,
Khamenei is worse than Yazid
This is the month of blood, Seyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown
Death to dictator
Oh Hassan’s son, finish the root of oppression


Iran Khabar Agency – December 26, 2009 – Isfahan 12 pm:

People are gathered in Seyed Mosque and are being attacked by government agents. Clashes are going on right now.


Courageous resistance of people against beatings from Basijis. They are shouting, “No to Humiliation”

Iran Khabar Agency Correspondent, Tehran:

Tear gas was fired in Imam Hossein Square. Police and Basijis are beating people. People are shouting, “Death to Dictator,” and “No to Humiliation.”

In all streets leading to Imam Hossein Square, cars and oppressive forces are stationed. The Square has been closed and people are not allowed to enter.

Shouts of “No to Humiliation” proves people’s intention of continuing their gatherings.


Roads are closed to people, they are not permitted to move. They don’t arrest. They just beat people up.


Special Forces around Enqelab Square

Khamenei has become Yazid; Yazid got a bad reputation

They beat up everybody. But people are not leaving. they shout slogans, whenever they can.

Eyewitness: I saw with my own eyes that in College Crossroads, a fifty something year old man was brutally arrested.


Mourning Day of Tasoa in Tehran with Tear Gas

In Imam Hossein Square, government agents clashed with youngsters forming mourning groups and sprayed tear gas on them.
All streets leading to Imam Hossein square are blocked.


Iran Khabar Agency – December 26, 2009 – 12:40 pm:
Gunshots are heard in Revolution Square and Vali Asr intersection.
Officials savagely broke car windows. Law enforcement forces are in Daneshjoo Park. People are moving in small groups.


The Greenway Network (JARAS): According to reports from JARAS, there is news indicating intense clashes between Hosseini mourners and law enforcement forces in Revolution, Ferdowsi, Imam Hossein, and 7-Tir squares.

Based on reports by JARAS, the treatment of the people by the special forces as well as the plainclothes agents are very violent.

Minutes ago a large number of special force guards with equipment, started moving from Ferdowsi Square to Vali Asr intersection, which is indicative of the intensification of clashes in Revolution Square.


AFP reported of intense clashes in central parts of Tehran and wrote: government agents used tear gas against protesters that gathered in central parts of Tehran, and have severely beaten them. Witnesses report that violent clashes are occurring between people and security forces in the capital, Tehran.
BBC International and Al Arabieh TV stations confirmed this news.


Al Arabiya, December 26, 2009, Breaking News:

Revolutionary Guards declared three days of emergency in the country.

In Imam Hossein Square, Tehran, heavy clashes continue between people and security forces. Tehran clashes have spread to Vail Asr and Ferdowsi areas.

Police forces used tear gas to disperse demonstrators.
Special Security Forces are spreading to different regions of Tehran.


Extensive clashes in Tehran’s Toopkhane Square has expanded to Ferdowsi square, Jomhoori Street, Istanbul street, and Baabe Homayoon.

Some reports show that there are tens of thousands of people in these regions.

Among slogans: “Khamenei is called Yazid; Bad reputation for Yazid.”

In Baabe Homayoon Street, police oppressive forces started to brutally beat demonstrators.


Special Guards heavily React to People in Imam Hossein Square and Spray Tear Gas on Them
Reports on special guard forces’ heavy response and spraying tear gas on people in Imam Hossein square
Green Way Movement network (Jaras): Concurrently with the mourning day of Tasooa and intensification of popular protests, police heavily react to protesters in Imam Hossein square.
Jaras correspondent reports that police started beating protesting mourners and sprayed them with tear gas. They still have not been able to disperse protesters.
We have reports of clashes in Imam Hossein Square and Pole Choobi and unconfirmed news on clashes around Ferdowsi square.
Complimentary reports will consequently be published

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